Agriculture is an important part of Australia’s economy.
From the number of people employed by farms and the amount of money earned by selling our products locally, nationally and overseas to the industries that support our farmers, Agriculture is a big part of the Australian Economy. In fact, for every $100 earned in Australia, $3 comes from primary production.
Let’s look at some more facts!
What Agriculture Export Means for Australia
In other countries, Australian products are recognised as high quality and taste. Crops grown overseas from Australian seeds often produce more bountiful and therefore better quality yield than locally produced seeds. This means that not only are we helping to feed the world, but we are helping other countries to feed themselves.
We can see that our customers are all over the world!
Agriculture includes the cultivation of almost anything that is grown.
There are lots of different types of farms and produce… and include food products that we can pick and eat straight away (like fruit and vegetables), some that need to be cooked (like beef, lamb, chicken and eggs), and also some that require some processing (like sugar, canola, dairy, wheat and barley).
In addition, there are some non-food products used in manufacturing (like cotton and wool).
Some of our products we export nearly all that we produce, and others (like pigs and poultry) are consumed locally.